Thursday, August 4, 2011

Success Song

In this wretched land ,
Made of that seemingly worthless sand .
It is for successes for wins that everyone is famished ,
You either perform or perish .

If you cause your enemies to receede ,
And towards success you proceed  ,
Then it makes no difference if you are on your sanity's brink ,
For as long as your wins keep someone afloat, they won't let you sink .

For success you may have to snap that link  ,
Which to your sanity binds you my friend ..
Damage your enemies beyond the possibility of being mend ,
Torment them so much that they givee infuriated screams
Even in the midsgt of their nightly dreams .

Let your success for you take flight ,
So that they tale your worth to such new heights . 
So every moment that  for others you spend ,
Is valued more than the gold bullions a jeweler lends .

In your life of successes , of wins let there be no dearth .
For of this kingdom on earth ,
Either you become the  king,
Or remain nothing but a petty little thing.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's a new life

You have the chance to satrt a new life . To turn things arround for you . So go set out on the path to turn things around for yourself . Go .....

Monday, August 1, 2011

It's just one of those dark days

Do you feel yourself sometimes living a day , a day so dark that try as you may you can't seem to lighten it up . This is a verse characterising such a day .