Saturday, June 25, 2011

Do you know what is right and what is wrong  ? If yes , read on ....

What is right and what is wrong ?
    A question which I have been asking for years now ,
And tired now I am on the inside :
    Like a pedestrian who has walked for long on the pavement by the side ,
Like a boytoy who for long has been in the tow ,
    Or a hammer who has been banging the gong .

I sometimes wonder if its all an illusion ,
    To segragate things as merely good and evil .
For its seem too simple a classification ,
    For segrating all the thoughts, ideas ,and intentions we contemplate and behold .
But this is the simplistic belief that we are told to hold ,
    And we being too young to reflect , do so without requesting clarification    .
This is what has been practiced since times medieval,   
    Even if it may be just a delusion .

I may be the one who sounds as if under illusion ,   
    But i ask you the possessers of tools
Of reasoning and reflection .
To ponder and contemplate and take the lead
    And answer a few of the questions that pop in my silly head .
Why is it right for you to win ?
    And when others do so ,it becomes something akin to sin ?
Why is it right for you to hate ?
    And wrong if others start returning the favour. even if from this very date ?
Why is it that jihadis feel it is right to jihad ,
    And wrong when people take up arms against them to fight what they feel is bad ?
Why a Danish cartoonist felt it is right,
to do a revered prophet slight ?   
    While millions get offended ,by what they think is a folly committed ?

So , answer these simple questions , take the lead .
    For these are only a few of the many that pop in my head .
Next time when you ponder
    If what you are doing is right or wrong ,
Just remember that even after your most arduous contemplation ,
    What you conclude may be wrong .


  1. There are degrees nothing absolute... You shall not kill.. unless your defending yourself or others or a holy war..all degrees nothing is just black or white!!!
    I started following you
