Thursday, October 11, 2012

And I burn !

This is an "imaginary" poem of a time , where the protagonist after having his spirit utterly and completely broken , decides to submit himself to the wonders of man's first creation . Read through as he burns , screams , experiences pleasure and then finally has his life snuffed out . 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Away in a starship

The story of when you want to leave everything and go away to a place far off , where things won't be the same .

Thursday, September 6, 2012


This is something which I wrote a little while back when I decided to try my hand at writing hindi poems . Give it a read , if you know a bit of hindi .

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The owl in its tree !

Well , life in uncertain . The changes are sudden and may come at the most inopportune of  times . This is just a verse that tries to convey this message . I have tried incorporating a hint of dark humor to get my point across . Read it and tell me how it sounds .

Monday, August 20, 2012

Songs of a fractured psyche

The songs that the various parts of my broken psyche sing . Read on to find what they have to say .

Sunday, April 15, 2012


जिँदगी थम सी गयी है ,
वकत की दमकती , गिरती हुई रेतेँ , रुक सी गयी है ।
बहता हुआ पानी , ठहर सा गया है ,
आगे बढने को आतुर दुनिया , रुक सी गयी है ।
इस ळहरी हुई दुनिया के सन्नाटे को चीरती हुई सुनाई पड्री एक चीत्कार ,
प्रलय के आह्रवान की , पुर्नजन्म की लालसा की चीत्कार ।

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Past

Ok , first of all for whoever reads this it's a fair warning that I am writing something, infact anything(apart from the drubby college reports) after a hiatus of 2 months . So , it is very much possible to make errors , write things in a different way as oppsoed to what I used to do . Forget to run spellcheck in some places(I hope the last one doesn't happens or I'll seriously have to go back to kindergarten to learn word ) . There you go then . You have been forewarned . :)And no matter what you feel about my creation . If you have gone through please use some of your precious time to leave some comments . I'll be honored . :)