Sunday, June 19, 2011

When you want to end it all !

There are times when you are so overwhelmed from the happenings in your life , the resulting emotions that you just to give up and end it all. In such moments your rationality gives up , apparently tired by trying to find rational explanations to your emotions , but if you can pull yourself out of such a state , then you can reason out everything that is happening in your life . I know all about it because I have been in that state . It is to pull myself out from that state that I wrote the following verse . So read on ....

When you want to end it all !
And take that one last big fall .
Take your hurried steps back for a moment .
If only to gaze at what has caused this torrent
Of emotions , to swell in your weeping heart ;
Which you now have the immediate urge to tear apart .

Take a deep breath and dive into these emotions.
Which are causing in you agitations .
Don't fear them , just be strong .
Even as you feel everything is wrong .
Don't let them drown you ,
Or else they'll once again own you
And throw you back to the start
Making you feel like you've been shot with poisoned darts
Even see everything around you fall apart .

Swim on with all your might
But don't halt,
Until you find in your will's wall , the fault .
That allowed your emotions to swell over
And with Hermes by your side be rowed over .

When you find the fault do not stand still .
Gazing with wondrous apprehension at what made you so ill .
But with soothing words and calming reason heal that fault ;
Then there can at last be halt .

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